Shortcut Brand Guidelines
Our Logo
Our logo is our stamp. It’s the heart of our brand, and its used across our brand to be the cornerstone of our company. It is consistent, and is never altered.
Our mark is used across various colors but never changes its visual structure. It’s our stamp.
Download our logosCOLORS
Our Color Palette
Our colors are used consistently to introduce a slick theme with dashes of color to give a more joyful, exciting experience.
Our Iconography
We use our iconography to enhance our visual style, as well as help communicate our content.
Our Font Family
We use Satoshi as a our main brand font, with Open Sans as our secondary typeface across our brand.
Satoshi Regular
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Satoshi Semi Bold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Satoshi Bold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Satoshi Black
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Our Product Imagery
Our product is constantly evolving, our team works hard to create the best possible solution to make work easier for our users.